Archive for the 'Desserts' Category
Of bad drivers…
Sunday, 21 Mar 10
To the black Lexus RX330 driving along Cumberland Highway on James Ruse Drive at about 4:30pm, who bullied an L-plater that was merging in front of you today;
And the blue and white striped Mini who blared his horn at the same L-plater, in an attempt to bully her into cutting into a stream of moving cars for the sake of not waiting a few seconds, also while driving along the Cumberland Highway;
Guess what? You are incredibly selfish. And what’s more, I have chocolate cake and you don’t. =P Nyah!
It surprises me how rude people can be on the roads. I’ve driven enough to know that, yes, it can be annoying to travel behind someone going 10km below the speed limit. But in a 90km/hour zone, unfortunately, a L-plater doesn’t have any choice. They can only travel at 80km – even if most other people want to speed along at 100+. In fact, I’m often made acutely aware of the fact that my presence on the road is considered to be an inconvenience to most people.
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There seems to be this horrible bias against Learners, such that people will make the effort to speed up to make sure we can’t merge in front of them, because that would force them to travel at the speed limit. Or blare their horns because we refuse to go through an intersection when another car is blocking our lane and if we went, we’d get stuck in the middle, exacerbating an already unsafe situation.
I have my driving test on Tuesday, and I’m stressed out as it is, trying to prepare for it. I’m skipping my law readings for Monday, and I’d spent 4 hours on the road in the morning practicing, not to mention this past month which has been filled with either driving, studying or tutoring, with little free time to do things I enjoy. But with these idiots on the road this afternoon, I couldn’t handle it.
I don’t usually post like this on thewayitcrumbles, but it just got me so upset today, I felt the need to remind everyone to be courteous. Not only on the roads, but all the time, though whilst driving makes for a great start. Everyone had to learn once, so be patient, and be polite. A L-plater who causes an accident in the middle of the Cumberland Highway because she’s stressed out to the point of tears, because of insensitive drivers who think that a full license is evidence of their God-given right to educate Learners on how to break the road-rules, causes more inconvenience for everyone.
Not that I caused an accident, I pulled over into a quiet street. But I still hope karma bites them hard. /endrant.
Needless to say, I went home and dosed myself up with chocolate while curled up, watching Tim set up my new computer. Too bad the chocolate can’t make driving any easier….It did make me feel a little better though. *nodnod*
I’m not going to copy the recipe out here. However, the beautiful looking cake up there is Suzy’s Cake from Chocolate Desserts by Pierre Herme and other people have posted it online. It is wonderfully moist in the centre, whilst still ethereally light and crumbly on the edges. Use the best chocolate you can find.
Posted at 10:57 pm in Crumbs, Desserts | Respond?

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