Archive for the 'Desserts' Category
The Concorde
Sunday, 2 Jan 11
What’s your New Year’s resolution? It’s a question I dread being asked, especially only minutes into the year once the spectacular fireworks display has just died down. See, I’m usually far too tired, having run around like a headless chicken organising a party (why I’ve done this to myself, and to Tim, for the past 3 years is a mystery, but I always seem to enjoy it), and this year (unusually), somewhat hazy from a particularly yummy moscato at midnight.
I don’t think I was particularly eloquent in my fatigue. I don’t have one.
But that’s not really true. Thinking about it, given the grace of a few days and sleep, the picture is a little clearer. My New Year resolution is to improve. To become a better photographer, and learn to use my camera properly and not shoot at a diagonal all the time. That will be helped by the lightbox set up Tim bought me below, especially for night time shooting. To become a better student, and not leave things to the last minute, especially not my thesis. To become a better friend, and be more sociable and open, less selfish, and to lose the habit of abandoning my computer without telling people that I’m afk.
To improve my confidence, to stand for what I believe and to know when to say no so I don’t end up burning myself out baking at midnight without reward. To be a better daughter and yet at the same time learn to stand up for my rights without getting into a fight. To be a better karate-ka and actually train properly, improve my fitness and my technique. To be a better blogger, whether using words or photos or making sure I actually write something when I have a backload of photos. And improve my cooking.
What does all that have to do with the chocolate La Concorde? Well, hopefully, I’m already on the road there with a few of those lofty aims above. Especially the cooking, photographing, blogging and maybe, the friend part. Maybe not so much with the fitness part ;P
Posted at 2:20 pm in Crumbs, Desserts, Recipes | Respond?

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