a day for you

Wednesday, 3 Dec 08


This is a road to somewhere. We’ll never really know where. But we can dream. And we can travel onwards, together.


But what’s a foodblog without food? More chocolates from the Adriano Zumbo Chocolate Cafe.


Vanilla Ganache.


Rotten Egg – blood orange jelly, milk chocolate and rice crispy crunchy bits.


Chocolate Ganache Truffle


Raspberry and Cream


Chocolate Caramel Nut Meringue…thing. I don’t remember what.


The sky will be blue as we drive along. We’ll watch clouds swirling playfully, pushed and tugged by the strength of our imagination. We’ll have time, just to ourselves, to be ourselves. To be us.


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Sydney Tower Seafood Buffet


Beautiful surroundings.


So-so food. The Sheraton on the Park has a better selection. The seafood isn’t as fresh as it could be (the ladies behind us complained the Balmain bugs were raw!), and everything else was somewhat dry.



 Lemon-lime bitters – Our favourite mildly (barely) alcoholic drink.




We sit and watch as the world revolves around us, as the skies change and the stars rise…


Just a message?



  1. What a sweet post. And too bad you guys came to Zumbos at the last minute so I never got to meet you properly! :( Maybe next time?

    Comment by Karen — December 3, 2008 @ 2:16 pm

  2. Awwwww how niicee! Yeah the food at Sydney Tower was quite meh for me :( but the view was gorgeous so sooorrta worth it.

    Too bad we missed on Sunday!

    Comment by FFichiban — December 3, 2008 @ 5:03 pm

  3. Very sweet, especially the soup message. I admire your patience setting it up.

    Comment by Arwen from Hoglet K — December 3, 2008 @ 9:49 pm

  4. That soup message will soften the hardest heart!!! I even called hubby and the children to come and see!!!

    Comment by nina — December 4, 2008 @ 4:35 am

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