Archive for the 'Eating Out' Category

A Pink Day with Ms Jen

Friday, 9 Jan 09



A Day with Ms Jen is typically characterised by finding pretty things to ooh and ahh over, and photograph, be it paper or food. So where better to go than the Adriano Zumbo Cafe (again xD)

Passionfruit Tart

I had a Tarte aux Fruites de la Passion (Passionfruit Tart), with an eye-catchingly coloured jelly on top and delicate creme, surrounded by a crumbly pastry shell. The pastry got a little heavy after a while though, so I ended up simply scooping the delectable interior. I also had a Butterscotch milkshake, which was disappointing not cold on such a warm day.

Passionfruit Tart

The colours are so striking – a bold sunset gradient flecked with just three passionfruit seeds.


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But the star of the show was the Paris La Vie En Rose, and the entire reason I wanted to visit the Cafe Du Chocolat with Ms Jen. Because really, she is so gorgeous. Topped with tiny rose buds, apparently freshly gathered (having seen one of the staff bring a handful in), this delicate confection is a play on the delicious Ispahan flavour combination created by Pierre Hermes – of roses, lychees and raspberries.


Rose creme brulee, topped with raspberry sorbet, rose scented mini macarons, and garnished with fresh lychees and roses. Ms Jen appeared to enjoy it, and commented on the number of lychees to be found.


Coconut and Strawberry Tapioca Shake. The strawberry really stood out, sweet as strawberry jam, while the coconut added a subtle scent. The tapioca made it feel delicate and lighter somehow.


But really, we’re just here for the aesthetics ;)

Posted at 12:49 pm in (not)Salad Days, Desserts, Eating Out | Respond?