Chur Burger – Surry Hills, Sydney

Tuesday, 26 Nov 13


They say you can’t choose your family. And they’re right. These are people whose blood you share, from whom you might have received those ‘family’ traits, whether it be being overly loud, ‘those’ hips, being double-jointed, or that particularly unusual sense of humour.

Like most people, there are things about my family that niggle and bite. The fighting for the tea towel so that you don’t need to sweep the floor. The shouting matches that arise over body image and dieting.  The upset that comes when someone makes a snide comment about the path that you choose in life.

But there are also those days that I love and could not imagine my life without. It might be those days when Dad whips up a restaurant quality four-course french meal which Mum then adds fish sauce to when she’s seasoning so that ‘it tastes right’, or recalling those childhood days when haw flakes were used as communion wafers in a secret ceremony that made us feel oh so grown up (and bordered on blasphemy).

 It’s all part of being family.


I suppose it’s no surprise then, given my own obsession with food, that when it comes to my family, we all seem to have ‘inherited’  a love for food, whether it be traditional home-style cooking, getting together for inter-cousin cooking competitions of Masterchef-level intensity, brainstorming ideas for marketing our debut on MKR, McNuggets (leading to ‘challenges’ and much day-after regret, I’m sure), or trying the newest and latest restaurant each and every week. It was one of those ‘cousin’ events that lead to our most recent outing to Chur Burger, a step down in price bracket compared to our previous outings (to Etch and Gastro Park), but an enjoyable one nonetheless.


Tim and I have been to Chur previously, on a late night junk food drive that didn’t lend itself well to photography, so I was glad to have the chance to go back during daylight for documentation purposes — alright, you got me, it was actually for the food. Tim’s beef burger was a little salty for my taste, but he smashed it without a thought. Most of us went for the pulled pork burger. Some thought it was too rich and dense, others demolished it with nary a peep.


As for me, having done advanced research (i.e. looked at the specials board as I walked in), it was the crispy pork belly burger that sang its siren song to me. Jalapeño mayonnaise and apple slaw worked its magic to offset the fattiness of the pork, which was snuggled in a bun which stood up to its creamy contents.

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Two salad sides were not overly inspiring – I’d expected more punch and crunch. But sweet potato chips (more closely resembling chunks) were eagerly snacked upon and milkshakes in all flavours slurped.

And we talked, and gossiped, and planned the next mealtime, and discussed how specific phobia of insects and arachnids might just run in the family. (I can work with that!)


Chur Burger is located in Surry Hills, not 5 minutes walk from Central Station. I think it’s well worth a visit for its buzzy casual atmosphere.

48 Albion St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

(02) 9212 3602

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